Push Button Bang Cinematic Sci Fi Stems


Push Button Bang Cinematic Sci Fi Stems
Size 1.51 Gb

Cinematic Sci Fi stems gives you over 4 hours of evolving ambient soundscapes, perfect for game and film soundtracking , media sound design and ambient music.

With 110 full length futuristic soundscape stems, that can be used individually or combined together to create infinite variations of sonic moods.

Featuring a huge variety of innovative sonic landscapes with moods ranging from from dark. dramatic, spooky to peaceful and uplifting, Beautiful string movements, dramatic synth pulses and washes, deep drones, spooky subtle ambiences, building, momentum driving noise fx, massive, modern walls of sound that each have their own unique sound.

Each works perfectly as an immediate mood setter in any media or ambient piece, however by laying together you can very quickly create absolutely huge, fantastical sci fi audio moments in your production.

All stems feature evolve and change over time offering huge possibilities with editing.

All stems are named with short description, length in minutes and seconds and root note. Stems range in length from one to six minutes.

Push Button bang invites you to download and create your perfect cinematic sci fi soundscape!

24 Bit Quality
2.9 Gb
110 Wav Stems


Part 1   Part 2   Part 3

Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″]
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