Ilya Efimov Production Uilleann Pipes KONTAKT

Ilya Efimov Production Uilleann Pipes KONTAKT

Ilya Efimov Production Uilleann Pipes KONTAKT
Size 576 Mb


The Uilleann Pipes are the national bagpipe instrument of Ireland. It’s unusual and complex one in its construction, requiring from a player quite a bit of mastership. With this library – a complicated instrument like the Uilleann Pipes – now becomes easy available to anybody!

In our library we sampled two full octaves for the chanter – main instrument’s reed, including fast and slow legato notes, as well as other articulation like vibrato, staccato and mordents. The legato speed can be control in three ways – through a keyswitch, midi-controller or velocity sensitivity.

Another outstanding feature of the library – a special range on keyboard for playing regulators and regulators’ chords like a real bagpiper usually does it with his wrist accompanying chanter’s melody with simple harmonic backing. But for you it will be no intricacy – just use your left hand like on a piano.

Usually the Uilleann Pipes’ drones are tuned to D key and thus their regulators can produce only certain notes. We removed that limitation! You can choose any tonality to perform in. Also the regulators range was extended to a chromatic scale.

Plus we designed the suitable ways to turn on/off drones, bellows noise and other bagpipe FXs, which help to provide the realistic sound of the library.

With this library you are given at your disposal the unique reeds’ blend and harmonic structure of the complex Uilleann Pipes, which are famous of sounding sweeter and quieter than many other bagpipes.



There are two legato types: normal legato and slow legato. For easy switching between legato types during real-time playing, there are three different options: using velocity of a pressed note, switching with a keyswitch and using a MIDI-controller.


The library incorporates two types of real sampled vibrato. One can choose between them with keyswitches or interface buttons. By using assigned midi-controllers it’s possible to change vibrato volume and speed.


We recorded 6 round-robins for each staccato note to exclude any “gun-machine” effect


In bagpipe music there is extensive use of grace notes. Mordents of two kinds – slow and fast one – will help you to imitate these little ornaments.


These articulations are short ornaments similar to the mordents, except you can put them between two notes rather than in the beginning of a note like with mordents.


Using repetition key one can repeat the previously played note. That’s very convenient when performing fast steady passages.


576 Mb ncw compressed format
750 samples, 44,1 Hz/24 bit, stereo
2 natural legato types: normal and glissando
8 different articulations
Two vibrato types
Control of realistic vibrato – its amount and speed
6 round-robim realistic staccato
Reassignable keyswitches and midi-controllers
3 modes of legato performance
Drones start, tune and volume control
Chromatic scale for regulator keys


Native Instruments FULL RETAIL Kontakt +5.6 or later
Windows 7, 8 or 10, Intel Core Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 4 GB
Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7 or 10.8, Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB
1 GB free disk space


Part 1   Part 2   Part 3

Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″]
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