Addictive EDM Addcitive Basic Chords

Addictive EDM Addcitive Basic Chords

Addictive EDM Addcitive Basic Chords
Size 1 Mb

The keys of a good and outstanding song are melodies, vocals, and sound design! In electronic dance music, it’s more just the sound design and melodies. An awesome drop lead with a catchy melody can easily become a hit, but what do I do when I’m a beginner and want to get started?

Well, then you should come to us! Get your pre-made midi presets and focus on your arrangement and your mixing skills. You can take a look at many chord progressions and how they are made to get a better understanding of music theory. Start from a good point and make your melodies easy and fast. Get inspired by a big collection of 600 basic chords.

Why Addictive Basic Chords?

You’ve set the key of your song, but can’t find some good chords? Addictive Basic Chords will give you the inspiration you need. With over 600 midi files and at least 25 midis per key in major and minor! It will help you to start effortlessly a song.

EVERYTHING 100% Royalty-Free
25 Chords for every Key in Major and Minor
35 Bonus Midis
MAKE EASYand fast melodies


Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″] [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]