Cymatics Wavetable Collection Vol 3

Cymatics Wavetable Collection Vol 3

Cymatics Wavetable Collection Vol 3
Size 81 Mb 

The basis to every good sound in Serum is a good wavetable. Sure, you can make cool sounds with Serum’s stock wavetables, but if you want to make new and unique patches, you may want to use some more interesting ones…

That’s where our Wavetable Collection Volume 3 comes in!

This pack includes 100 of our best unreleased wavetables from the past few months.

It includes a huge variety of wavetables including FM wavetables, Morph Wavetables, Foley Wavetables, Resampled Wavetables, and more!

To celebrate the holidays, we decided to give this pack out for only $3!

Happy sound designing!

Included in this pack:

100 Wavetables


Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″]
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