Digital Rain Lab Lethal Energies

Digital Rain Lab Lethal Energies

Digital Rain Lab Lethal Energies
Size 341 Mb 

The Lethal Energies sound effects library gets you a powerful and versatile collection of designed sci-fi guns and weapons. We work as game sound designers and are huge sci-fi fans, and our aim with this SFX library was to build the ultimate, self-contained sci-fi weapon library – in the sense that it includes everything you need to create powerful weapon sounds. It comes with a range of designed weapons, divided into Light, Medium and Heavy weapon categories. Also included in the library are weapon construction kit sound effects like aiming sounds, laser blaster shots, shot punches, electricity sounds, foley sounds, force fields, sensors, servos, transitions and more.

1096 files included – The ultimate, self-contained sci-fi weapon library! Blasters, lasers, one shots repeaters and more are at your trigger happy fingertips and ears with this quality collection.
Files : 1096
Format : .WAV 48k 24 bit resolution
Size : 1.75 Gb
Length (lapsed time) : 58m 22s


Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″]
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