DopeBoyz Loud Mouth Vocal Chants

DopeBoyz Loud Mouth Vocal Chants

DopeBoyz Loud Mouth Vocal Chants
Size 7 Mb

If you’re tired of using the same ol’ vocal chants in every beat, THIS IS FOR YOU! LOUD MOUTH VOCAL CHANTS is a collection of 92 vocal chants, grunts and phrases, recorded from scratch, in a professional studio, using only top notch equipment (RODE NT2-A, RME Fireface UC, Goldmike 9844).

100% never heard before material! All files come in stereo, 16-Bit/44100hz formatting, Royalty-Free and compatible with every DAW or drum machine.

Download your copy today!

Product Specifications:
• Format: WAVs
• 92 x Individual WAVs Vocal Chants Samples
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible
• Royalty-Free


Demo Preview:
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