Earth Moments Laya Project Ambience Vol 2

Earth Moments Laya Project Ambience Vol 2

Earth Moments Laya Project Ambience Vol 2
Size 2.24 Gb

The Laya Project – Ambience collection is an exceptionally high quality bundle of rare recordings, from the award winning production Laya Project, a journey through the villages, forests, rivers and communities of Thailand and Sri Lanka.
These sampled ambient sounds were recorded during the production of Laya Project and will take you on an amazing journey to rare, exotic places that will give a new angle to any production.
This collection contains authentic, organic, ambient and atmospheric sounds from different locations, environments, people and places we were able to capture during our journey.
We gave an accurate description to each file, describing the events in each recording so it will be easy to find the sound you need quickly for your use in different productions.
Optimized with the closest attention to detail, this Royalty Free Collection of samples is categorized under Thailand and Sri Lanka.

24 Bit Quality
73 Samples from Sri Lanka
92 Samples from Thailand


Part 1   Part 2   Part 3

Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″] [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]