Function Loops Psytrance for Spire

Function Loops Psytrance for Spire

Function Loops Psytrance for Spire
Size 3 Mb 

A fresh soundbank for Psytrance and Progressive Psy, loaded with Bass, Leads, Synths, Sequences & FX presets. As always, top notch sound design by our in-house sound masters.

In total you’ll find 53 new presets for Reveal Sound Spire VSTi. All sounds designed from scratch, many were used to produce our WAV packs.

It’s time to replace the old soundbanks with this new killer.

Let’s rock!


– 2 x drum presets
– 19 x bass presets
– 6 x leads
– 15 x synths
– 7 x Sequences
– 1 x pad
– 3 x FX presets
– 1 x soundbank with 53 presets
– Only presets included

PLEASE NOTE: Reveal Sound Spire VSTi is needed to run this pack


Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″]
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