Mind Flux Massive Dark Techno Presets


Mind Flux Massive Dark Techno Presets
Size 148 Mb 

The preset pack is crammed full of a collection of particularly rare techno presets that are highly mutable, giving you a extensive amount of freedom to perform a endless array of modulation.

Massive Dark Techno Presets give you a huge range of sound options from the raw drum hits & loops to some earth shattering bass sounds and dark ominous stabs.

Everything has been sculpted to give you the producer a high scope of flexibility, which can help you develop your own sound.

In total there are 115 massive presets, 40 bass, 17 drum, 8 FX, 20 sequences, 30 synth.

Also included are a assortment of 70 midi loops and 132 audio loops.

*Other Genres that this package may be useful in:

• Minimal
• Presets / Patches
• Tech House


Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″]
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