Mind Flux Rolling Techno

Mind Flux Rolling Techno

Mind Flux Rolling Techno
Size 327 Mb 

If your looking for your tracks to be the driving force in everyone’s set then Rolling Techno is the sample pack for you. Its jam packed full of shuffling hi-hat loops, energetic bass lines, dynamic synth loops and slamming drums that are a sure fire way for people to take notice.
Rolling Techno Includes over 400 Mb’s of pure high powered techno loops. This is all broken down into 20 bass loops, 70 drum loops (with stripped variations), 20 percussion loops, 20 synth loops, 60 top loops and 20 vocal loops. Also to give you more control we have included 40 midi loops, 20 for the bass loops and 20 for the synth loops.

Product Contains:
20 Bass Loops
70 Drum Loops – with stripped variations
20 percussion loops
20 synth loops
60 top loops
20 vocal loops


Part 1   Part 2

Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″]
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