Online Extreme Vocal Course TUTORIAL

Online Extreme Vocal Course TUTORIAL

Online Extreme Vocal Course TUTORIAL

Develop your inner voice by learning different Extreme Vocals like False Chord Growling, Screamings and Fry Screamings.

What you’ll learn:

  • In this class I’ll teach you how to do different types of extreme vocals. This is a beginner tutorial class to do Extreme Vocals, Gowlings, Screamings, Distorte
  • I’ll teach you how to focus using the right breath technique and vocal techniques by going in-depth with a lot of the main extreme vocal techniques like False C
  • This class is also focuses on how to learn and practice safely without destroying your voice.
  • By the end of this class, you’ll be skillful enough to confidently sing in a metal band, or any band for that matter that uses extreme vocals, and you’ll also b


There is no prior knowledge of singing required to start this class, I’m going over everything from the very beginning of this science.

In this class I’ll teach you how to do different types of extreme vocals. This is a beginner tutorial class to do Extreme Vocals, Gowlings, Screamings, Distorted singing and Harsh Vocals. You’ll learn how to use your voice to create different sounds for extreme metal and how not to hurt your voice while practicing.You’ll also learn how to use the right breathing technique for not just extreme vocals but for singing and doing vocals in general.There are not a lot of classes that go into extreme vocals, and this one is also focuses on how to learn and practice safely without destroying your voice. I’ll teach you how to focus using the right breath technique and vocal techniques by going in-depth with a lot of the main extreme vocal techniques like False Chords Screaming and Growling, and Fry Screaming. By the end of this class, you’ll be skillful enough to confidently sing in a metal band, or any band for that matter that uses extreme vocals, and you’ll also be able to do your very first vocal cover video as well. I’ve been teaching online and in person as well for 2 years now and over that time I taught and still teach a lot of students.Anyone who is interested in singing in a metal or rock band should get my class. There is no prior knowledge of singing required to start this class, I’m going over everything from the very beginning of this science.You don’t really need any equipment to start this class. All you need is yourself, your voice, your determination and your patience.And always have fun!


Section 1: Introduction

  • Lecture 1 Introduction

Section 2: The Basics of Screaming and Breath Tecnique

  • Lecture 2 Part 1 – How To Breathe Right
  • Lecture 3 Part 2 – The Most Important Breathing Technique
  • Lecture 4 Part 3A – Different Breath Tecniques For Different Situations
  • Lecture 5 Part 3B – Different Breath Tecniques For Different Situations
  • Lecture 6 Part 4A – 5 step practice to bring out your inner voice
  • Lecture 7 Part 4B – 5 step practice to bring out your inner voice

Section 3: Different False Chord Tecniques

  • Lecture 8 Part 5 – Differenc Between False Chord Screaming and Fry Screaming
  • Lecture 9 Part 6 – Practicing Mid False Scream With Ah ÁH Sounds
  • Lecture 10 Part 7 – Practicing Mid Low False Chords Screaming With OH UH, UH sounds
  • Lecture 11 Part 8 – The Russian Ы Sound
  • Lecture 12 Part 9 – Practicing Mid-High Screams With EH ÉH AND IH Sounds
  • Lecture 13 Part 10 – Why You Can’t Scream
  • Lecture 14 Part 11 – Common mistakes people make when practicing
  • Lecture 15 Part 12 – How to reach lower sounds
  • Lecture 16 Part 12 – How to reach lower sounds

Section 4: Fry Screaming

  • Lecture 17 Part 14 – How to do basic fry screams
  • Lecture 18 Part 15 – How to practice higher and lower fry screams
  • Lecture 19 Part 16 – Fry scream from head voice
  • Lecture 20 Part 17 – Fry Scream from ZA Sounds

Section 5: Throat Stances

  • Lecture 21 Part 18 – Different Throat Stances With Practices
  • Lecture 22 Part 19 – The Higher Throat Stance
  • Lecture 23 Part 20 – The Lower Throat Stance

Section 6: How to learn a song and other different screaming techniques

  • Lecture 24 Part 21 – Rhythmical Practice and Screaming The ABCs
  • Lecture 25 Part 22 – Enunciation Practices
  • Lecture 26 Part 23 – Mimicing Different Extreme Vocalists
  • Lecture 27 Part 24 – Raspy Scream Singing Vocals
  • Lecture 28 Part 25 – Harsh Breath Hardcore Vocals
  • Lecture 29 Part 26 – Practice With Major Scale
  • Lecture 30 Part 27 – Easy Warm Up Practice
  • Lecture 31 Part 28 – How To Improve Stamina
  • Lecture 32 Part 29 – How To Elongate Screams
  • Lecture 33 Part 30 – Recording A Vocal Cover (Lamb Of God – Walk With Me In Hell)

Section 7: Closing Words

  • Lecture 34 Part 31 – Closing Words, Practice Patience

You don’t really need any equipment to start this class. All you need is yourself, your voice, your determination and your patience.

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