Producer Grind The !LLGRIND Melody Sample Pack WAV

Producer Grind The !LLGRIND Melody Sample Pack WAV

Producer Grind The !LLGRIND Melody Sample Pack WAV


Producergrind Kits presents the OFFICIAL !LLMIND x Producergrind Melody Sample Pack.

Complete with 10 PREMIUM wav files, the !LLGRIND OFFICIAL melody pack has been created for you to be able to REUSE each loop in UNIQUE and CREATIVE ways. Each loops is unique and ear-catching enough to grab the ATTENTION of any artists but also SIMPLE enough for you to add YOUR STYLE and SOUNDS.

Whatever path you decide to take with this kit is up to you, you can STAND OUT from the crowd through manipulating these loops into new samples or show YOU have the BEST DRUMS and silence the competition using the same loop.
