Sample Magic SM101 Big Room FX

Sample Magic SM101 Big Room FX

Sample Magic SM101 Big Room FX
Size 144 Mb

101 climactic builds, epic drops and system-shaking impacts designed to inject the ultimate in big room energy into electro, progressive and techno tracks.

Expertly crafted from a vast array of analogue, digital and found-sound sources, each sample has been tweaked and honed for maximum dancefloor damage.

Stacked with tempo-synced risers, falls, reverses and rhythmic builds – plus a choice selection of colossal impacts and bombs – the collection is intuitively folder sub-divided for total production ease.

From one-bar reverses primed for super-fast drops to towering 16-bar risers, it’s an essential selection of FX for mainroom producers seeking build-up and breakdown ammunition.

Download contains:

101 x 24-bit Wav files


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