Sample Tools by Cr2 Festival Anthems


Sample Tools by Cr2 Festival Anthems
Size 924 Mb

Are you interested in adding over 1.46GB of essential Festival ready Audio loops and one-shots, Construction Kits, MIDI loops, Synth Presets, Video Tutorials and production tips and tricks to your studio?

Are you looking for the inspiration to make great music right now?

Then look no further. This is Festival Anthems – the brand new production toolkit from Sample Tools by Cr2.

This pack contains a massive 1.46GB of content spread across the absolute highest quality audio, MIDI, Presets, Video Tutorials and tips and tricks booklet.

The absolute top quality audio loops and one-shots will slot seamlessly into any EDM, Progressive or Electro track – choose from any of the 15th killer Songstarter Construction kits – the ultimate resource for getting releasable ideas together quickly and also giving you the raw materials to take your unfinished tracks to the next level. These contain a breakdown, build and drop and contain all the audio, MIDI and synth presets that were used to create them.

We aim to deliver the ultimate product for novice and advanced user alike – allowing you to delve as deep as you wish to generate your own sound.

Thats why we also provide 3 Prod-Cast video tutorials shining a light on the techniques we used in this pack and a booklet containing tips and tricks from the producer.

Finally after we have provided you with the tools to make killer tracks we introduce ways to focus on your mindset and mental approach to the creative process with our video with music production productivity guru Mike Monday (every music producers best friend).

If you want to quadruple your studio output watch this video NOW.

We are proud to put the Cr2 name to this pack. Get ready for the main stage!

We are Sample Tools by Cr2 and this is Festival Anthems.

Pack Details:

• 330 x Total Audio
• 46 x MIDI Files
• 15 x Songstarters
• 25 x Presets
• 446 x Total Files
• 83 x FXs
• 30 x Basses
• 98 x Leads
• 9 x Pads
• 28 x Percussion
• 19 x Kicks
• 15 x Snares
• 22 x Hats
• 7 x Claps
• 3 x Prod-Cast Video Tutorials


Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5

Demo Previews:[adinserter block=”1″]
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