ShamanStems Digital Glitch and Cybernetics

ShamanStems Digital Glitch and Cybernetics

ShamanStems Digital Glitch and Cybernetics
Size 289 Mb 

Digital Glitch & Cybernetics is a collection of extremely immersive sound effects created using state-of-the-art hardware synthesizers, suitable for music, apps, game audio, film & TV, adverts & commercials.

All samples are available in two sample rates: 44.1Khz and 96Khz, allowing you to acheive a much higher quality FX in your productions, not to mention the capabilities of sample manipulation with higher sample rates, without strange digital artifacts.

Inside you will discover: 78 Buttons and Interactions, 44 Dramatic fx, 86 Machinery, 45 Malfunctions, 63 Miscellaneous, 60 Processes and Computations, 62 Robots and Creatures.

Download contains:

•438 x Total Files

•78 x Buttons and Interactions

•44 x Dramatic

•86 x Machinery

•45 x Malfunctions

•63 x Miscellaneous

•60 x Processes and Computations

•62 x Robots and Creatures

•44.1Khz or 96Khz WAV


Part 1   Part 2

Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″]
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