Shazam Encore v5.12.2 [Full Versio] for Android


Shazam Encore v5.12.2
Size 22 Mb 

Hear a song you don’t know? Shazam identifies it instantly. Unlimited, no Ads.
Faster tagging. Now discover, explore and share more music, TV shows and brands you love in as little as one second.
With unlimited tagging use Encore as much as you want, and experience more of what you like, faster.

You can also:
Save and listen again (30 sec previews)
Launch a music station with Pandora
Get recommended tracks based on the music you like
See streaming lyrics in time to the music
Buy tracks easily on Amazon MP3
View extra content as you watch TV
Watch music videos & concerts from YouTube
Listen to your tagged music in Spotify
Share on Facebook & Twitter
Discover new music in Shazam Friends & Charts
See when an artist is touring
Use it when you don’t have a signal
When you see the Shazam prompt on TV, tag for extra content
Tag from your home screen with the Shazam Widget
Remember where you tagged a track with Location
“This is the best thing EVER!” Hoda Kotb of NBC’s Today Show

Upgrade to Shazam Encore for no banner ads and exclusive features – link to Pandora and get music recommendations.

Previews available: US,UK,DE, FR, CH, AT
Lyrics and LyricPlay available: US, CA, UK, FR, IT, DE, ES, AU, NZ.
Spotify available:UK, US, FR, ES, NL, SE, NO, FI.
Shazam supports devices with cellular connection
What’s in this version : (Updated : Dec 14, 2015)
Don’t want that song to end? We understand! Tap “Listen” below any track you’re previewing, and you’ll have the option to hear or buy the full version in Google Play. It’s that simple.
Required Android O/S : 4.1+


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