Timmy Holiday Mizu Guitar & Vocal Pack (Compositions & Stems) [WAV]
The Mizu Guitar & Vocal Sample Pack is a collection of 15 original samples, written, performed, and recorded by me, Timmy Holiday.
This pack is full of chill and laidback chords, layers of lush swirling melodies, with strange, trippy and psychedelic warped voices weaving in and out.
I created this using various different acoustic guitars I have collected over the years, with most tracks featuring a British made ‘James’ guitar that belonged to my father, a brand I am having trouble finding any information online about.
Everything was mixed by myself, with some tracks being ran through tape machines in order to warp and timeshift certain parts in fun ways only tape can. Other tracks where recorded straight on to a 4 track and back out into a DAW in some hybrid analog & digital experimentation. Stems are also available for purchase.
I really hope you enjoy the sounds found on this sample pack, I had a lot of fun making them, and really look forward to hearing the different ways people will use these pieces.