Touch Loops Ambient Dub

Touch Loops Ambient Dub

Touch Loops Ambient Dub
Size 309 Mb 

In a world of throw away music and uninspired grooves, the need for thought provoking sounds has never been more crucial. Utilising our love for sub-sonic vibrations, Ambient Dub is a sample pack that demands to be absorbed, explored and embraced. From FX driven dub techno stabs to system gripping sub movements, this collection is the perfect anti-dote to soulless, dry productions.

Referencing the dubstep greats of Mala, Digital Mystikz and all label friends of DMZ our producer of choice FLO has laid it all on the line in this most personal of collections. His love for dub, garage and electronica is clear from the first listen and provides a truly unique insight into a producer who lives for groove, soul and rhythm.

Nestled inside this expansive collection you’ll find shuffling garage rhythms, inspirational Dubstep sub work, thought provoking ambient landscapes, intricate organic percussion layers, harmonic chord progressions and as always a collection of the finest polished one shots that your sampler could ever need.


Size: 517.3Mb

Loops – 204

One Shots – 102

Keys: In Variety of

Tempos: 130-140Bpm


Demo Preview:[adinserter block=”1″]
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